Welcome to Marcie Walker LLC:  Elevating Heart-Centered Entrepreneurs to Financial Mastery!

Financial Alchemy 
for Heart-Centered Entrepreneurs

👉 Holistic Integration:  Unifies pragmatic financial strategies with spiritual alignment for transformative balance.
👉 Empowerment & Clarity:  Provides insights and tools for confident, clear, and purposeful financial navigation.
👉 Exclusive Support & Learning:  Presents personalized guidance and enriched learning experiences to navigate your financial journey with confidence.
👉  Lifetime Access & Resources:   Grants enduring access to comprehensive modules and resources for sustained mastery and growth.

📜 Here’s What You Get: 📜

  • 12 Holistic Modules: Covering every aspect of financial mastery from foundational knowledge to advanced financial planning.
  • Access to our Client Success Vault: Packed full of holistic resources and includes a personalized Enneagram Assessment and Report. 
  • Biweekly 1:1 Coaching Sessions: Personalized guidance from helping you navigate through every financial challenge.
  • Access to The Wild Sage Society: Join a community of pioneers and share, learn and grow together.
  • Lifelong Learning Resources: Tools, templates, and practices to continue your journey to financial mastery.

Are you ready to transform your relationship with money and align your finances with your heart’s deepest desires? 

Embark on a journey of financial empowerment and spiritual growth with Financial Alchemy for Heart-Centered Entrepreneurs
Dive deep, learn profoundly, and watch your financial reality transmute into abundance and freedom. 

Don’t wait—start your transformative journey today and manifest the abundance you were born to create! 
If you are...
  • drowning in an endless list of to-do's?
  • lacking the mental clarity and motivation to do anything?
  • seeking direction lost in a sea of paperwork and disorganized finances?
  • finding it tough to make informed decisions?
  • feeling like something more is "out there"?
  • trapped by your level of success and feeling stuck and stagnant?


Imagine a Life of Financial Serenity and Abundance…

Picture this... you wake up each morning to the peaceful harmony of a life and business aligned, where financial fog has lifted, revealing a path of clear, golden opportunity. Your business flows with a renewed sense of purpose and direction, and every decision is made with confidence, backed by a profound understanding of your financial landscape. Your energy is revitalized, and your spirit is free to focus on your passions, your creativity unburdened and your impact magnified.

  • Crystal-Clear Financial Clarity: Gain an unclouded understanding of your finances, allowing for informed and confident decision-making.
  • Harmonious Business Alignment: Experience your business flowing seamlessly with your core values and visions, creating an atmosphere of peace and fulfillment.
  • Unleashed Creative Potential: Break free from financial constraints, allowing your creativity to bloom and your innovations to thrive.
  • Magnified Impact and Reach: With a liberated spirit and a business in alignment, witness your influence and positive impact expand, touching more lives and making a difference in the world.

All of this is now possible!

Are You Ready to Unlock Financial Serenity and Abundance?

Are you feeling shackled by the constant stress of disorganized financials, 
hindering your creative spirit and impacting your business’s potential?

That's why you need Financial Alchemy for Heart-Centered Entrepreneurs
This program transforms your relationship with money, marrying spiritual alignment with pragmatic financial strategies to lift the veil of financial overwhelm and empower you to reclaim your abundant birthright.

Sure, with time and effort, you might figure out how to sort through the financial fog on your own. But why continue to struggle, feeling overwhelmed and frustrated, trying to decode the complexities of financial management when you could have a proven formula, a dedicated partner, guiding you to financial clarity and business alignment?

I know you’re overwhelmed, feeling the strain of unaligned business values, 
and frustrated with the lack of clarity in your financial journey. 
It’s time to relieve those pains, to break free from the constraints 
that are diminishing your creative potential and overall well-being.

Let’s Solve This Problem Together!

All you need to do is embark on this transformative journey with an open mind and a commitment to aligning your business with your core values and purpose. It’s as simple as that! With our holistic and empathetic approach, we will walk hand-in-hand with you through each step, offering tailored strategies, support, and a like-minded community through The Wild Sage Society, simplifying your journey to financial mastery and spiritual alignment.


Entrepreneurs, welcome to a haven of financial serenity and abundance! The Financial Alchemy for Heart-Centered Entrepreneurs Program by Marcie Walker LLC, is a revolutionary 12-week self-study program combined with bi-weekly 1:1 coaching sessions, meticulously designed for those ready to redefine their financial destinies.

This program is the metamorphosis point, your entryway to…
Crystal-clear Financial Clarity
Harmonious Business Alignment
Unleashed Creative Potential
Magnified Impact and Reach



  1. Understanding Financial Concepts: Unveiling the language of finance, making it accessible and straightforward.
  2. Aligning Finance with Purpose: Crafting a harmonious synergy between purpose and profit.
  3. Energetic Financial Release: Transmuting financial traumas and releasing energetic debts, making room for abundance.
  4. Sustainable Financial Growth: Equipping you with tools and knowledge for lifelong financial mastery.


  • Personalized Coaching with Marcie Walker: Unravel your financial blockages and align your financial strategies with your heart in a safe and supportive space.
  • 🌿 Exclusive Enneagram Assessment! Delve deep into your personality with a special link and code, illuminating your path with self-discovery and heightened awareness!
  • Community Support: Forge invaluable connections within The Wild Sage Society, where like-minded entrepreneurs elevate each other to financial mastery.
  • Diverse Learning Modalities: Benefit from an integrative approach combining coaching, hypnosis, and shamanic practices for a holistic financial transformation.

BONUS: Release Energetic Baggage

(Value: $1,000)

Our program doesn't stop at numbers; it delves into your relationship with money. Identify and address financial trauma, transmute it, and rewrite karmic financial contracts. Release energetic debt that might be holding you back, allowing you to embrace financial abundance.

🌟 Benefits:

  • Holistic Financial Healing:
    • Beyond numerical values, dive deep into transformative healing to rectify your intrinsic relationship with money.
  • Enhanced Money Mindset:
    • Clear away the energetic baggage and negative perceptions surrounding wealth, creating a conducive mental space for financial prosperity.
  • Empowered Financial Journey:
    • Equip yourself with the tools to continually reassess and strengthen your financial well-being, ensuring sustained abundance and peace.

Bonus: Unlock Holistic Financial Empowerment

(Value: $2,500) 

Gain unparalleled access to the Client Success Vault and Financial Mastery HubEvery resource is meticulously curated to offer a holistic approach, ensuring that your journey to financial mastery is balanced, enlightened, and aligned with your true self. Dive into each library and emerge with a wealth of knowledge, a heart full of purpose, and the magnetic energy to attract abundance.

🌟 Unmatched Benefits:

  • Holistic Wealth Resources:
    • Explore full-packed libraries to boost your financial literacy, empowering you to make informed and conscious decisions on your wealth journey.
  • Confidence & Magnetic Energy:
    • Immerse in resources that instill confidence and cultivate a magnetic energy that attracts abundance and prosperity.
  • Strategic & Purposeful Living:
    • Harness strategies to live with intentionality and purpose, aligning your actions and decisions with your core values and mission.

Recognizing the uniqueness of every heart-centered entrepreneur and business, we understand that each is at a different stage in their journey. Hence, our approach is as unique as you are, focusing on where you currently stand and where you wish to be. The first step in embarking on this transformative journey is a personalized 30-minute consultation
It’s the beginning of aligning your financial mastery with your soul’s purpose. 
Let’s start this journey together—your abundant future awaits!

Embark on a unique journey with Financial Alchemy for Heart-Centered Entrepreneurs, 
where financial mastery and spiritual alignment intertwine, creating a harmonious path tailored just for you. 
Through compassionate, judgment-free guidance, experience profound transformations 
in a supportive community of like-minded souls. 
This isn’t just another program
it’s an evolving odyssey of wealth and wisdom, 
promising liberation and enlightenment for passionate, purpose-driven entrepreneurs. 
🌟 Are you ready to transcend and align your venture with your soul’s divine purpose?
What people are saying

"I started using Marcie Walker Coaching for my business and personal growth about 6 months ago. In that time, I have gained valuable knowledge about the intricacies of my business, like forecasting, proper accounting, as well as how to estimate my jobs more accurately. I’ve also found her work on the personal growth side to be invaluable. We’ve had goal-setting sessions, worked through my personal and social issues and I’m now working toward the best life I can imagine with the road map she has given me. Sessions with Marcie are low stress, relaxing, professional and I very much look forward to them each week. I would recommend Marcie Walker Coaching to any individual who wants to gain a better understanding of their business or anyone who feels they've become stagnant with life and would like to find a new direction."
"Working with Marcie has been life-changing for me. What I didn't expect is that I needed guidance in my personal and professional life. Every session was therapeutic and eye-opening; however, I had to work at it every day to see the results and improvements. Marcie has a gift to closely listen, she's able to tap into my inner thoughts and formulate the root cause, and suggest ways to work through difficulties. I've grown spiritually and healed mentally from our sessions. I'm a better person today to myself and everyone in my life. I can honestly say I like me for the first time in a long time. Thank you Marcie for helping me find my way back." 
Q: How long does the program last, and how long will I have access to the self-study materials?
A: The Financial Alchemy for Heart-Centered Entrepreneurs program offers flexible durations for one-on-one sessions, allowing you to choose between 3, 6, and 12 months, depending on your individual needs and preferences. As for the self-study portion of the program, you are granted lifetime access! This means you can revisit the materials anytime you need, ensuring sustained learning and development on your transformative journey.
Q:  What does the Financial Alchemy for Heart-Centered Entrepreneurs program include?
A: This program includes three transformative phases focusing on awakening financial intuition, strategic financial mastery, and sustainable financial alchemy. Additionally, participants will receive valuable bonuses including continuous learning resources and one-on-one sessions.
Q: Who is this program suitable for?
A: This program is designed for heart-centered female entrepreneurs who are looking to gain financial mastery, align their business with their core values and purpose, and elevate their financial consciousness.
Q:   Is any prior financial knowledge required to join this program?
A: No prior financial knowledge is required. The program is structured to accommodate entrepreneurs at various levels of financial understanding, providing foundational learning and advancing to more complex concepts.
Q:  How is this program delivered?
A: The program combines self-study with interactive sessions, including webinars and Q&A sessions, allowing for a comprehensive and engaging learning experience.
Q:  Can I purchase individual phases separately?
A: Currently, the program is designed to provide a holistic experience and is sold as a complete package to ensure comprehensive learning and transformation.
Q:  How long do I have access to the program materials?
A: Participants will have lifetime access to the program materials, allowing them to revisit the content anytime they wish to refresh their knowledge.
Q:  What is the cancellation/refund policy?
A: We offer a satisfaction guarantee with a specific timeframe for refunds. Please refer to our terms and conditions for detailed information on our cancellation/refund policy.
Q:  Is there support available throughout the program?
A: Yes, support is available throughout the program. Participants can reach out with any queries or for clarification on the materials provided and will receive prompt assistance.
Q:  How much time do I need to dedicate to this program weekly?
A: We recommend dedicating at least one per week for your one-on-one sessions and 30 minutes to process after the session, to get the most out of the program. However, as the rest of program is self-paced, participants can adjust their learning to fit their schedules.

Your Path to Financial Mastery & Spiritual Enlightenment:

💖 What’s in Store for You?  Embark on this journey and delve into a world of holistic development and financial mastery, enriched with structured learning, inclusive communities, empathetic guidance, and transformative results. Witness your business aligning with your core values and purpose, witnessing enhanced direction and clarified vision.

🌱 Your Transformation Awaits!  It’s time to step into your abundant birthright, clear energetic contracts, and debts, and embrace your journey with support, love, and enlightenment. Together, let’s remove the layers of financial trauma and reclaim your power.

Once you join you'll receive...

  • 🌿 Personalized One-on-One Weekly Sessions! Experience profound transformation with sessions tailored just for you! Whether it's coaching, hypnosis, breathwork, or Shamanic Energy Work, each session is customized, addressing your unique needs and unfolding a journey that harmonizes every aspect of your being!
  • 🌟 Instant & Lifetime Access to Financial Mastery Hub! Unlock a treasure trove of invaluable resources, ensuring your journey is enriched with wisdom and tools essential for your transformation!
  • 🌿 Exclusive Enneagram Assessment! Delve deep into your personality with a special link and code, illuminating your path with self-discovery and heightened awareness!
  • 🍃 Join the Elite Wild Sage Society Community! Be embraced by a community of like-minded souls! Relish the camaraderie, support, and exclusive benefits reserved for our cherished members!


🌿 A Journey of Mastery and Alignment:  Hello, beautiful souls! I’m here as a beacon of light on your transformative journey, having traversed the realms of financial instability and spiritual misalignment to arrive at a place of harmony and enlightenment. My journey is not just a story; it’s a reservoir of lived experiences, rich insights, and profound understandings that I am passionate about sharing with heart-centered female entrepreneurs, like you.

🔮 Why Trust This Journey With Me?  Your path deserves a guide who has walked it, felt every bump, overcome every hurdle, and emerged stronger. I bring to you:
  1. Extensive Financial Acumen:  With a background enriched in corporate finance, accounting, and consulting, I’ve delved deep into the complexities of financial strategies and management, crafting a holistic understanding essential for your financial health.
  2. Spiritual Proficiency:  My expertise extends beyond the tangible, into the realms of energy work, intuitive development, and spiritual healing, enabling a balanced approach to entrepreneurial navigation, addressing both practical and energetic dimensions.
  3. Empathetic Approach:  My heart-centered and empathetic approach is rooted in personal experiences of stress and overwhelm, aiming to uplift you to financial mastery while attending to your emotional and spiritual nourishment.
  4. Impactful Results:  The transformative impact of my interventions is reflected in the heartfelt testimonials from those who have experienced profound healing and realization, comparing the swift, deep insights favorably to years of conventional therapies.
  5. Comprehensive Offerings:  My offerings are a myriad of services addressing diverse aspects of entrepreneurship, providing a multifaceted support system, including the structured and enriching Financial Mastery course and the inclusive community of The Wild Sage Society.
  6. Authenticity & Relatability:  My transformative journey from chaos to harmony resonates deeply, making my guidance more relatable, genuine, and credible.

"Like many of us, last year (2020) was difficult for me, so I decided to reach out to my friend Marcie Walker Coaching. Marcie, helped me work through some deep seated issues from my past and present using hypnotherapy. Today, I am more in touch with my feelings, and I'm able to draw upon her techniques to deal with stressful situations. This has really helped me be less reactive and more mindful in my dealings with my loved ones, my clients, and the world in general. So thank you, Marcie Walker Coaching for helping me to find the tools that I need to be the best version of myself."