Have you ever felt a pit in your stomach when you think about your finances? Maybe it's a sense of guilt or embarrassment that keeps you from facing those numbers head-on. For years, I carried this weight—a financial shadow that followed me even as I built my career in finance, bookkeeping, and accounting. As someone who has helped countless entrepreneurs navigate their business finances, you might think I’d have mine perfectly in order. But for a long time, I didn't. And the shame that came with that was overwhelming.
We often hear that money is just a tool, but what happens when that tool becomes a source of shame, something that makes you feel inadequate, incapable, or even like a fraud?
That’s where my story begins.

The Weight of Financial Shame

Over the past two years, my life has been a whirlwind of transitions, endings, and new beginnings. I've seen relationships evolve, some deepen, others fall away. Through all of these changes, I’ve held on to one clear truth: I am meant to help people heal, to guide entrepreneurs in building conscious businesses, and to raise the vibration of the planet. But what happens when the healer needs healing? What happens when the very person who teaches others to navigate their businesses is struggling with the same issue?
I’ve spent years diving into shadow work—exploring the deepest, darkest parts of myself in order to heal, grow, and come out the other side more aligned. Yet, one shadow loomed larger than the others: financial shame. I’m not just talking about the simple act of looking at your books or balancing your accounts. I’m talking about the kind of shame that whispers, “You should have this figured out by now,” and the guilt that keeps you up at night because you’re embarrassed to turn over your finances to your own staff accountant.
For me, that shame felt like a failure. How could I be trusted to help others if my own books weren’t in perfect shape? It was this question that haunted me. I felt like an imposter. I carried that burden, hidden away from the world, while trying to keep up the image of having it all together.

The Hidden Cost of Shame

Shame does more than just weigh you down—it keeps you stuck. When you're in that space, it’s hard to move forward. You stay locked in a cycle of survival, fear, and avoidance. It affects everything: your energy, your creativity, your business decisions. You feel scattered, at war with yourself, constantly battling between wanting to fix it and being too paralyzed to even begin.

I saw this play out in my own business, Marcie Walker LLC, and The Wild Sage Society. For all the expertise I had, for all the spiritual growth I’d experienced, I couldn’t seem to shake this financial shadow that had followed me for years. It wasn’t just about money—it was about what that money represented: worthiness, security, and success.
And I know I’m not alone.

So many heart-centered entrepreneurs are silently struggling with their finances, just like I was. They’re brilliant at their craft, amazing at guiding others, but when it comes to their own books, there’s a block. They feel shame because they think they should have it all together. They avoid looking at their financials because it’s too painful, too embarrassing. But that shame is holding them back.

The Moment I Chose to Break Free

There came a point where I couldn’t carry it anymore. The weight was too heavy, and I realized that by keeping it hidden, I was only perpetuating the problem. I needed to let go of the shame, the embarrassment, and the fear that came with it. I had to turn over my books to my accountant, not with shame, but with vulnerability and a commitment to healing.
It was in that moment that I chose to stop hiding from my financial reality. I had to remind myself of something that I teach others all the time: there is no shame in asking for help. Whether it’s in your business, your personal life, or your financials, we all need support. And that support isn’t a sign of failure—it’s a sign of strength.

It wasn’t easy. But as soon as I did it, a weight lifted. I could feel myself stepping into a new kind of empowerment. I was no longer letting my financial shame control me—I was finally ready to face it, heal it, and transform it into something powerful.

Moving Forward: From Shame to Empowerment

If you’re reading this and you resonate with my story, know that you’re not alone. So many entrepreneurs, especially those of us who are heart-centered and conscious, have struggled with this. It’s not about how much money you make or what your bottom line looks like—it’s about your relationship to money, and more importantly, to yourself.
If shame is keeping you stuck, it’s time to face it. Start small. Begin by acknowledging where you are without judgment. Release the need to be perfect. And most importantly, know that there is a path forward—one that leads to peace, financial self-reliance, and sustainability.

You don’t have to do this alone. I’m here to help. I’ve walked this path, and I’m still walking it. There is power in sharing our stories and in supporting each other as we break free from the shadows that hold us back.

Ready to Take the First Step?

If you're ready to break free from financial shame and reclaim your confidence, I invite you to join me in this journey. My 3-Year Business Financial Review is designed to help entrepreneurs face their finances with clarity and compassion. It includes a bonus Mini Strategic Planning Session to set you on the path to financial empowerment. You don't have to do this alone—let’s heal your money story together.

Financial shame doesn’t have to define you or your business. It’s time to let go, to embrace your vulnerability, and to step into your full financial power. Together, we can move from survival to thriving, from shame to sustainability, and from fear to freedom.

This is just the beginning of your journey to empowered sustainability. Are you ready to break free?
🌿 Seeking a Harmonious Blend of Finance & Spirituality?
Heart-centered entrepreneurs face unique challenges and rewards. From the ebb and flow of finances to the rhythm of the soul, find solace in the delicate balance of it all.

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